Must score a minimum of 65 points under the New Brunswick unique selection grid. Provide a highly clarified business concept stating that the business will be a profitable one to the economy of New Brunswick. Must show interest to settle and do business in the province of New Brunswick permanently. If the applicant was a senior manager then they must have managed atleast a team of two members. Must hold a complete five year experience in the last five years by holding a senior management position in a recognized organization by involving in day to day management activities. Must possess minimum of three years of experience in the past five years in managing a business successfully with 33.33% share.
Must hold a networth of minimum 6,00,000 CAD (Canadian Dollar) in which 3,00,000 CAD must be unaffected of any debts. The candidate must provide a detailed business plan to the federal government of Neww Brunswick stating how their business will operate? And how it will yield profit to the province?. The candidate must be a management person or a business professional who must take part in day-to-day decision making activities. Must have acquired a minimum of CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) of 5 out of 10 either in English or French. Must have completed a valid graduation of atleast two years after completing their post-secondary high school.
The applying candidate must fall between the age group of 22-55. Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa(Subclass 476). Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor) (subclass 976). Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462 & 417). Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482). Prospective Marriage Visa (Subclass 130). Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa(Subclass 188). Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa(subclass 187). Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186). Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132). Resident Return visa (Subclass 155 & 157). To Know More About Other Job Oppourtunities. To Know About The Eligible Universities. Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa Program (Subclass 476). Skilled Regional Provisional Visa (Subclass 489). Total Processing time to get Subclass 189 Visa. How to apply for Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189).
Eligibility Criteria to avail Skilled Independent Visa.Australia Skilled Independent Visa : Subclass 189.Sponsor Your Spouse or Common-Law Partner.Advantages of Canadian Experience Class.Invitations to Apply for Permanent Residence.